Ways To Minimize Stress

It's a little known fact that baking has a lot to do with Work-Life Balance. It's true. Even if you don't bake (plenty of good bakeries out there and it might cut into your balance time), you know that the key to a delicious baked treat is following a good recipe. You wouldn't try to "balance" a cake recipe by putting equal parts baking soda and sugar into your batter. You need the right amount of each, the right mix, to produce the best results. It's all about your mix, not your balance.

The curse that work life balance creates is that it just gives you more of the same. You are still juggling. It doesn't actually remove the problem totally. It doesn't lead to you living your ideal life on your own terms.

Make A Change In Your Life - Sometimes things just need to change for you to get a greater balance. If you drive to work, you might find that taking public transport is an option that might help. You might want to go running in the morning before work. Deciding to go out and eat at a restaurant once per week is another way. It adds a bit of variety to life and can make you feel refreshed.

The first is the activity you take on that you shouldn't, similar to orange juice in a cookie recipe. It's an activity that isn't necessary, it's not enriching, or beneficial to your mix and a lot of times ruins the whole recipe. You need to say no to these activities.

Though a person who can work for long hours is considered more sincere, I strongly balance life work and family believe it's a reflection of an unprofessional attitude. New entrants in an organization follow in the footsteps of their superiors. It becomes a vicious cycle of low productivity, excess stress and less energy for the following day. Eventually, it becomes part of the company culture as well. Once you reach home on time and engage in recreational activities, you will get some more vigor to perform your best the next day.

These are little things that you can do to help you in managing work-life balance. You don't really have to make major changes to transform your life and maximize your time and potential.

Then, ask yourself what is the purpose of your work/job and does it align well with "who you are" and how you are wired? Does it/can it meet your needs? Do you genuinely like what you do, even though you may not really like the way you are doing it?

There is always another project do finish at work or another emergency to attend to. Too many people don't allow themselves a proper vacation, but it's critical to your mental and physical health to take an extended break from work to recharge mind and body. Even if you can't afford to visit an exotic location for a week or two, take time off from work to do something you love. Relax. Sleep in late. Sit in the sun. Breathe. Smile. Feel human again.

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